List of Important Abbreviations – Indian Railway

List of Important Abbreviations – Indian Railway

Here is the List of Important Abbreviations – Indian Railway.

Abbr.Full Form
ADAdmitted Debit
AFTOAutomobile Freight Train Operator
ARNAdvance Rate Notification
ATVMAutomatic Ticket Vending Machine
AVMAutomatic Vending Machine
CBACity Booking Agency
CBOCity Booking Office
CCMChief Commercial Manager
CCM (FM)Chief Commercial Manager {Freight Marketing}
CCM (FS)Chief Commercial Manager {Freight Services}
CCM (PM)Chief Commercial Manager {Passenger Marketing}
CCM (PS)Chief Commercial Manager {Passenger Services}
CCRSChief Commissioner of Railway Safety
CFSContainer Freight Station
CFTMChief Freight Transportation Manager
CLSClearance and Supply Message
CLWChittaranjan Locomotive Workshop
COAControl Office Application
COFMOWCentral Organisation For Modernization of Workshops
COISCoaching Operation Information System
CONCERTCountrywide Network of Computerized Enhanced Reservation and Ticketing
CONCORContainer Corporation of India Ltd.
CORECentral Organisation for Railway Electrification
CPTMChief Passenger Transportation Manager
CRBChairman Railway Board
CRISCentre for Railway Information System
CRSCommissioner of Railway Safety
CRTContainer Rail Terminal
CTM(P)Chief Transportation Manager {Petroleum}
CTPMChief Transportation Planning Manager
CTWMChief Tank Wagon Manager
CTOContainer Train Operator
CVMCoupon Validating Machine
DARDiscipline and Appeal Rule
DCDemurrage Charge
DCMDivisional Commercial Manager
DCRDelivery on Clear Receipt
DCWDiesel Component Works
DDDamage and Deficiency Message
DDPCDamage and Deficiency Post Card
DECDivisional Empowered Committee
DFCCILDedicated Freight Corridor Corporation Of India Limited
DLWDiesel Locomotive Works
DMRCDelhi Metro Rail Corporation
DQRDelivery on Qualified Remark
DRCDiamond Rail Corridor
DRFDepreciation Reserve Fund
DRMDivisional Railway Manager
DRUCCDivisional Railway Users’ Consultative Committee
E Co.REast Coast Railway
EDRExceptional Data Report
EREastern Railway
ERSElectronic Reservation Slip
FCFinancial Commissioner
FEUForty feet Equivalent Unit
FFSFreight Forwarders Scheme
FIRFirst Information Report
FISFreight Incentive Scheme
FNRFreight Numerical Record
FOISFreight Operation Information System
GSTGoods And Service Tax
HOERHours Of Employment Regulation
IBPIndependent Booking Point
ICFIntegral Coach Factory
IPInternal Packing
IRCAIndian Railway Conference Association
IRCONIndian Railway Construction Company Ltd
IRCOTIndian Railway Central Organisation for Telecom
IRCTCIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd.
IRFCIndian Railway Finance Corporation
IRICENIndian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune
IRIEENIndian Railway Institute of Electrical Engineering , Nasik
IRIMEEIndian Railway Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jamalpur
IRISETIndian Railway Institute of Signal and Telecommunication Engineering
IRITMIndian Railway Institute of Transportation Management
IRTInstitute of Rail Transport
IRTSIndian Railway Traffic Services
ITESIntegrated Train Enquiry System
IVRSInteractive Voice Response System
JCMJoint Consultative Machinery
KRCLKonkan Railway Corporation Limited
LPOLost Property Office
LWISLiberalized Wagon Investment Scheme
MCDOMonthly cumulative Demi Officio
MGRMissing Goods Report / Merry Go Round
MMRDAMumbai Municipal Regional Development Authority
MOSRMinister of State of Railways
MPAMachine Prepared Abstract
MRMinister of Railways
MRCLMonthly Rated Casual Labour
MSOMarketing and Sales Organisation
MTMember Traffic
MTPMetropolitan Transport Project
MUTPMumbai Urban Transport Project
NADNot Admitted Debit
NCRNorth Central Railway
NFRNorth Frontier Railway
NRUCCNational Railway Users’ Consultative Council
NTESNational Train Enquiry System
NTRNormal Tariff Rate
NWRNorth Western Railway
OAOut Agency
ODCOver Dimensional Consignment
ODROldest Date of Registration
ORROwner’s Risk Rate
PCCPermissible Carrying Capacity
PDCPartial Delivery Certificate
PFAPrincipal Financial Advisor
PLMPacking Labelling Marking
PNMPermanent Negotiating Machinery
PNRPassenger Name Record
POETPassenger Operated Enquiry Terminal
PREMParticipation of Railway Employees in Management
PRRProgressive Reference Record
PRSPassenger Reservation System
PTOPreferential Traffic Order /
Privilege Ticket Order
RCFRail Coach Factory
RCTRailway Claims Tribunal
RDSOResearch Design and Standard Organisation
RITESRail India Technical and Economic Services
RMCRailway Material Consignment
RMSRake Management System
RORORoll On Roll Off
RRRailway Receipt
RRRRailway Risk Rate
RRTRailway Rates Tribunal
RUACRailway Users’ Amenities Committee
RVNLRail Vikas Nigam Ltd.
RWFRail Wheel Factory
SCCStation Consultative Committee
SCRSouth Central Railway
SECRSouth East Central Railway
SEREast Central Railway
SFTOSpecial Freight Train Operator
SPTMSelf-Printed Ticket Machine
SPTOSpecial Parcel Train Operator
SRSouthearn Railway
SRUCCSuburban Railway Users’ Consultative Committee
SWASender’s Weight Accepted
SWRSouth Western Railway
TDRTicket Deposit Receipt
TDSTerminal Development Scheme
TEFDTraditional Empty Flow Direction
TEUTwenty feet Equivalent Unit
TIELSTerminal Incentive cum Engine-on-Load Scheme
TIRTerminal Information Repeater
TLTrain Load
TMSTerminal Management System
TSBETouch Screen Based Enquiry
TTCTime Table Committee
UTSUnreserved Ticketing System
WCWharfage Charge
WCRWest Central Railway
WLCWagon Leasing Scheme
WRFWagon Registration Fee
WTWater Tight
WTRWagon Turn Round
Wagon Transfer Register
ZRUCCZonal Railway Users’ Consultative Committee
List of Important Abbreviations

What is the MCDO full form in the railway?
Ans: MCDO – Monthly cumulative Demi Officio

Also Check : Categorization of Indian Railway Stations

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Author Panel
Articles: 28


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