Public Relations – Indian Railway

Public Relations

Indian Railway is a commercial organization. It is essential for every organization to maintain relations with public. Public Relation involves maintaining good relations with public, to put forth the problems of public in front of administration, and to inform public regarding amenities provided by railway administration etc.

Main Objectives of Public Relations

  1. Maintaining good relations with public
  2. To gain faith of public.
  3. To improve the image of Railways in public.

Public Relation Organisation

At Zonal level, this organization is functioning under Senior Deputy General Manager. He is assisted by Chief Public Relations Officer, Public Relations Officer, and Assistant Public Relations Officer. At Divisional level this work is looked after by Commercial Department.

Main Functions of organization

  1. Providing wide publicity about passenger amenities amongst public.
  2. Publicity regarding changes in Time Table.
  3. To inform concerned officer regarding complaints received from public.
  4. To give clarification about the rumours published in the newspapers.
  5. To obtain earnings through Commercial Publicity.

Public Relation Committees

  1. National Railway Users Consultative Council. (NRUCC).
  2. Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee. (ZRUCC).
  3. Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committee (DRUCC).
  4. Station Consultative Committee (SCC).
  5. Suburban Railway Users Consultative Committee (SRUCC).
  6. Railway Users Amenity Committee (RUAC).
  7. Time Table Committee.(TTC)

National Railway Users Consultative Council (NRUCC):

  1. President– Railway Minister.
  2. Secretary– Director Traffic Comml.(General).
  3. Tenure – 2 Years
  4. Meetings– Twice in a year.
  5. Allowance– As per prescribed rate and Complimentary pass.
  6. Members
    1. Chairman Railway Board and all members of Railway Board.
    2. Secretaries of Ministry of Commerce, Civil Supplies and Co-operation,
    3. Industry, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ministry.
    4. 10 members from Lok Sabha.
    5. 5 members from Rajya Sabha.
    6. 1 member from each ZRUCC.
    7. 2 members from Chamber of Commerce.
    8. 1 member from Agricultural Organization.
    9. 1 member from industrial Organization.
    10. 2 members – Retired Railway Officers (GM / Members of Board)

Functions :

  1. Demand for improvement in passenger services and amenities.
  2. Demand regarding opening of new stations
  3. Demand regarding conversion of Gauge
  4. Demand regarding extension of Railway Line.
  5. Discussion regarding increase in speed of trains.
  6. Demand for improvement in catering services.

Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee (ZRUCC)

  1. President -General Manger.
  2. Secretary -Secretary to General Manager.
  3. Tenure -2 years.
  4. Meeting -Thrice in a year.
  5. Allowance-As per prescribed rate and Complimentary Pass.
  6. Members –
    1. One Member from Government of each of the states served by that railway.
    2. One member from each State Legislative Assembly/Council served by that railway.
    3. Five members from Chambers of Commerce and Trade Associations.
    4. One member from each DRUCC.
    5. 7 members from Lok Sabha and 3 from Rajya Sabha.
    6. 2 members each from Agricultural, Passenger associations and Public Sector Undertakings.
    7. 1 member from Consumer Protection Organisation.
    8. 9 members (8 members nominated by MR and One by GM).

Functions :

  1. Demand for Improvement and increase of passenger services and facilities provided by the Railway.
  2. Demand for Improvement and increase in quality of Catering Services.
  3. Demand regarding opening of new stations and sidings.
  4. Demand for the electrification in section.
  5. Demand for changes in Time Table.
  6. Demand of coolie at the station where such facility is not provided.
  7. Suggestion to Railway administration regarding railway working

Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committee (DRUCC)

  1. President- Divisional Railway manager.
  2. Secretary- Sr. DCM/DCM
  3. Duration- 2 Years.
  4. Meeting- once in three months ( at least 3 in a year)
  5. Allowance- As per prescribed rate and Complimentary Pass
  6. Members
    1. 6 members appointed by GM from local chamber of commerce, trade, Industrial and agricultural associations.
    2. 2 members from recognized passenger association to be appointed by GM.
    3. 9 members of whom one is nominated by GM and remaining 8 are nominated by Railway minister.
    4. One Member from Government of each of the states served by that division.
    5. One member from each State Legislative Assembly served by that division.
    6. One member each nominated by Union Minister and Members of Parliament within jurisdiction of the division. (MP can‖t be nominated as a member in this Committee)
    7. One member from Consumer Protection organisation.
    8. One member from association of handicapped

Functions :

  1. Consider Matters referred by National Railway Users‖ Consultative Committee and Zonal Railway Users‖ Consultative Committee.
  2. Demand for improvement in passenger services and amenities provided by Railway.
  3. Demand for opening of new stations.
  4. Demand for changes in Time Table

Station Consultative Committee (SCC)

  1. President – Sr.DCM / DCM / ACM (According to Station)
  2. Secretary – SM/CSCI(Chief Sectional Commercial Inspector)
  3. Duration – 2 years.
  4. Meetings – 4 times in a year.
  5. Allowance-As per prescribed rate and complimentary pass.
  6. Members –
    1. Not more than ten members of local chambers of commerce in the division, local. Co-operative committees and public representatives
    2. Nominated by GM related with commerce and Industries.

Functions :

  1. Demand for Improvement of passenger service on stations.
  2. Demand for maximum facilities for Railway users.
  3. Discussion on difficulties, grievances, problems of Railway users and give the suggestion.

Suburban Railway Users Consultative Committee (SRUCC)

  1. President – COM
  2. Secretary – DGM
  3. Duration – 2 years
  4. Meeting – As and when required,
  5. Allowance – As per prescribed rate and Complementary pass.
  6. Members –
    a. One member from Municipal Council (max. 2 members)
    b. One member from DRUCC of the Division under jurisdiction which the
    station comes.
    c. One member from Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee.
    d. 4 members from suburban passenger organization.
    e. One lady member who is nominated by GM and she should be a
    member of Lok Sabha or MLA/MLC.
    f. In addition to that 4 members are nominated by Railway minister and one
    is nominated by ministry of parliamentary affairs.

Time Table Committee (TTC)

  1. President – COM.
  2. Secretary – Nominated by GM.
  3. Duration – 2 years.
  4. Meeting – As and when required.
  5. Allowance – As per prescribed rate.
  6. Members –
    a. One member from each Divisional Railway urers Consultative Committee.
    b. 3 members from registered passenger Organization.
    c. One member nominated by GM.
    d. One member from National Railway Usurers Consultative Council who is also members of Zonal Railway Usurers Consultative Committee.

Funstions :

  • Suggestions are accepted from this committee while preparing Time Table and it can demand change in time table.
  • To publish Time Table and send it to Divisional and stations.

Railway users Amenities Committee (RUAC)

  1. President – GM
  2. Secretary – Nominated by GM.
  3. Duration – 2 years.
  4. Meetings – As and when required.
  5. Members –
    a. One member from each DRUCC.
    b. One member is nominated by GM.
    c. CCM, COM, PCE, CEE.

Functions :

  • Suggestions for improvement and increase of passenger services and facilities provided by the Railway.
  • To prepare annual program to provide amenities to the passengers.

Note : – This committee will not work for suburban section.

Author Panel
Author Panel
Articles: 33

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